What is Energy Healing?
Energy Healing is a holistic approach to facilitating the return to good health. It involves tracing the cause of any suffering through the physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual systems to its roots deep within our minds. Our natural flow of energy always moves towards perfect health and well-being. However, when faced with difficulties in our life, we tend to hold these unresolved negative energies in our energy system (Aura / Chakras). This creates blockages in our energy system which then depletes our vitality and leads to ill health and suffering.
REIKI and PRANIC energy healing can help correct these imbalances in our energy system and transfer ‘universal life force energy’ to the body. The cleansing of the aura and alignment of the major chakras will not only control and energise the vital organs of the body but it will enable healing on all levels including physical health, emotional well-being, relationship and spiritual realisation. Major chakras are like ‘power stations’ that supply life energy to major or vital organs; this takes the healing deeper and encourages the person to create their own good health and wellbeing. By being helped to release the disruptive energies, the person can let go of past negative issues and return to a more happy balanced existence. Where there is physical pain or disease, possibly caused by stored negative energy, the lifting of the negative energy can remove the discomfort and help to assist the person in healing themselves from within.